Onerva is attending conhIT (Connecting Healthcare IT) conference at Berlin 17.-19.4.2018
We are presenting our caring platform for eldercare. Looking for potential customers (homecare or nursing home providers, both public, private and non-profits) that would like to test Onerva.
We are looking also for distributors, resellers and partners that would like to include instant-messaging and other Onerva capabilities and features to their services.
You will find us at our stand at Finland Pavilion in booth D-119 / Hall 4.2.
We are also giving presentation at ”eHealth Slam” event Wednesday 18.4.2018 at 13-14 at Networking Area, Hall 4.2.
If you are at conhIT or at Berlin, come and visit us or send a message:
Onerva is a Caring Platform – connecting eldercare customers, their families and care providers. Enabling secure and real-time communication and easy way to find help & care providers.
Onerva has an instant-messaging service, kind of a “whatsapp for eldercare”. It allows real-time, secure communication between nurses, customers and their families.
This way family members will always know how their aging loved one is doing.
Onerva digital notebook is now used all over Finland both public and private sector and it has users in Sweden, Germany and US.
From digital notebook, when the need for care arises, users can easily move to Onerva marketplace: whether it’s home care, nurse, help with groceries, somebody to take you out – it’s available with a click of a button.
Read more here or contact us for free trial (, p. +358 50 326 4989)
Se on helppo käyttää, se tuo turvallisuutta ja vähentää huolta hurjasti.
Katso videolta lisää:
Lue miten tyytyväisiä Kuopion kaupungin kotihoito sekä asiakkaiden omaiset ovat Onervaan.
Me tykätään Onervasta todella paljon. Se helpottaa todella paljon työtä etenkin asiakkailla, joilla on paljon omaisia. Myös asukkaat tykkäävät kun näkevät kuvia esimerkiksi lastenlasten uudesta koirasta tai kuvia mökiltä.
Huoli äidin voinnista on aina läsnä mutta helppo viestittely hoitajien kanssa on ehdottoman positiivinen asia. Stressi vähenee kun tietämys lisääntyy. Kiitos kuuluu kaikille äitiä hoitaville!